Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Looks like a nice day to play...

So today the boys asked to go to the park. Who can argue when you get a 60 degree day in Feb? I thought it would be a great opportunity to try out my new camera. This is totally all auto/basic settings right now, but I was trying to get the feel for taking pics and looking through the view finder and seeing what sort of came natural. How fast pics can be taken, what it takes to get it to focus.. you know the basics. Just totally toying with it. I did get a few shots that I do happen to like!

I accidentally caught a picture with the boys hands, and they had their heads in there.. I asked them to do it again. For some reason, I just LOVE this picture.. the way their hands are what my eyes are drawn to.. I was so happy to grab this!

This is just so them.. Carter cheesing and Pierce taking in the world. The colors and the blur in the background just make me really happy! For being on Auto and my first time out, I feel like I got a few good gems.

Pierce really got into me taking pictures. He's usually not one to ham it up, but he wanted all sorts of shots of him up on the roof..

Pierce was climbing up on the structures in the 'small kid park'. It was starting to hit that sunset time, and the wind picked up a bit... I love how he pops at me in this one.

Earlier at the park we had a bit of a fall.. I think Carter was trying to smile for the camera and look around and he ended up taking a tumble. I snapped this as I was walking to check on him. It's the only one I got, because he started to cry. I asked him if I could take more and he said, "NO!". I didn't want to upset him more...

Here were just a few more that I came up with that I liked...

1 comment:

  1. These are some great pictures! Love the one of Pierce sitting at the picnic table! Also love the one of both the boys:)
