Monday, September 29, 2014

Cleaning up and a birthday card

We recently rearranged our basement and in the process we opened up a little bit more room for my creative area!  Woot, right!?  But in doing that we created a bit of a disaster!  All the better to organize my dear!

While organizing I ran across some "forty" paper that I had used for my husband's 40th.  I remembered an email asking to send a friend a birthday card and so I thought what better time then NOW to go ahead and do it!

One never wants to focus TOO much on the number, but 40 is something that needs to be recognized.. so it's in the first layer of the card.

Over that layer of the "number" we build all the beauty, the strength, the messes, the things that hold us together.  Because at 40, we are "nothing less". 

Of course, this card is STILL sitting on my creative area where I left it to dry and never popped it in the mail.  I *SWEAR* it's going out this week... hopefully with that other painting I did for a friend MONTHS ago. 

What's that about those roads paved with good intentions?  

Till next time!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Letting a friend know you care...

Some days, you are chatting with a friend and you get that 20 mins where you SHOULD be cleaning, but you realize your friend could use a little boost and instead of doing what you are SUPPOSED to be doing, you make yourself do what you want.  While I don't love friends needing a boost, I do love having a reason to make a card!

I have been watching and following Tracy Scott (Videos here ) and absolutely love everything she seems to just whip up!  So I had this magical thought that I could throw together a card using some of what I just saw.

Not quite as amazing, but it was fun and quick... something I will definitely keep practicing with.  There are some pieces of baseball stats torn up and put on the card (the "boy" in question plays baseball).  I then used some craft paints that I had and started creating colors and shapes.  I even got some rub-ons that I literally collect because they are all amazing, but I never actually USE them... and so I thought - WHY not?!  USE them...and honestly I always LOVE what they add. 

I can't wait to watch her video using Dina Wakley's Girl stamps!