Friday, January 13, 2012

A resolution of sorts...

I think we all have hopes for when the new year starts. I have really been trying to balance work and life and family and all those things that come up. It's hard, because I know that work and my kids and THEIR things have to come first.. and usually do. But as a woman, and a wife -- sometimes we have to just PUSH the issues right?!

The first step for us is having the kids MISS activities on an upcoming sat so that they can go and spend time with their Aunt and Uncle (OVER NIGHT even!) and WE can enjoy the gifts that said Aunt and Uncle gave us -- Dinner and theater. I am REALLY looking forward to that night.. and even more so now that we can just not have to rush around on time crunch like we do most days of the week.

Another goal that I have been trying to do for a few months now is to be more crafty. DO something that feels creative, because that keeps me balanced and happy and gives me a feeling of accomplishment that's not a "have to". Besides, when I do things like that other people feel good about it, too. The person receiving the card, or the kids looking at the stuff I put together about THEM.. it's beneficial ALL around.

The other night, Pierce and Carter were looking through scrapbooks that I have done for them. Pierce made the comment "Where are you?".. well I am the one taking the pictures.. or I don't use pictures of me because I don't like how they look. :/ But what happens when he wants to show his kids what Gram looked like when HE was a kid.. =) And sometimes I love reading old things I did, seeing how I was thinking.. what I was like.. because we ALL change.. for the better or worse, we grow and change. So when I saw THIS project today I thought -- THIS is how I can do something that I can have about ME, and it's not too overwhelming (or IS it?! let's hope not). So my goal for January would be to MAKE the book, and then complete January. Maybe I can post about my progress on here..

Here's the project from Simple Stories and their team:

I am LOVING the idea of simple stories. Thanks to Kim for introducing me to the concept and now I just have to actually get USING it. Along with the idea of simple stories, I am doing Smash Books for the kids. Quick, easy.. at the moment Smashbooks that they can right in, I can put stuff in and that can quickly sum up their year! Maybe I can blog about that too.. if anyone is listening..

If anyone is.. did you want to Join me in either adventure?!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hopefully I can get into blogging a bit more regularly, because that would mean that I am actually "playing WITH Creative" in life!  Let's hope, huh?

This christmas Carter received a full drum set with cymbals and all the fun accessories (like cowbell - Thanks Mark!).  Here's their (Pierce had to get in on the action too) at playing on the drums...